Your Turn Our World Purple Dancing For A Cure hostesses are Karen, Susan, and Lydia.
Karen’s Story
On December 25, 2006, my Mother died of kidney cancer. Prior to that, I lost my grandfather, an uncle, and a cousin to cancer. The day after Momma died, her brother died of cancer. Our family has had several members diagnosed with cancer. Some we have had to say goodbye to and some we continue to celebrate with.
Then, it became very personal when I was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 4, 2022. Early detection and skilled medical staff produced a complete cure.
I started participating in Relay For Life events in 2007 and since then I have buried friends, celebrated and prayed for others. This year is no different. Currently I am praying for four people with cancer. Each of them has different needs. I support the American Cancer Society through my Relay efforts to help support the many services they provide for cancer patients and their families.
Susan’s Story
I relay to support the American Cancer Society.
I started doing Relay for Life in 2005 near my home in Dripping Springs, Tx, because I felt it was important to raise money to help find a cure for cancer, to support the programs American Cancer Society offers cancer patients, and because it is important to raise awareness about cancer.
I participated in Relay For Life in Dripping Springs from 2005 through 2010. I then joined my sister, Karen (see above) in Sugar Land in 2011, so this year marks my 18th year to participate in Relay For Life.
I believe that most of us have had to deal with cancer in our lives either personally or with those close to use; family members, close friends, co-workers. Some have fought the battle and won; some are still in the battle; some lost the battle. I lost my grandfather in 1979, my mother in 2006, two uncles, one cousin, and far too many friends to cancer. I have watched my daughter, my husband, my sister, family members, and numerous friends go through multiple stages of cancer.
This battle will never be won without the funds to do the research to find a cure. At the same time, current cancer patients and their caregivers face harsh financial burdens that the American Cancer Society helps address with many targeted programs. Your contributions to Relay for Life are primary sources of funds for these programs.
Would you please help me support this great cause?
Lydia’s Story
Cancer is a thief.
My maternal grandmother died in 1937 from uterine cancer when my mother was 7. It stole my grandmother’s’ life, my mother’s future changed forever, and my siblings and I were robbed of the opportunity to know her.
My mother’s sister was killed by breast cancer after a lengthy battle, robbing my cousins of her care and leaving her sisters devastated by another loss to cancer.
My mother contracted multiple myeloma which was very painful and frightening for her. Her official cause of death was colon cancer which was no picnic either. My siblings and I were robbed of her love and support. We had many good times which we cherish and we still miss her every day.
My mother died in March and the next July my husband was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The world as we had known it was stolen and a new adventure began. We lost an innocence we did not know we had and entered a world we did not know existed,
If we cannot stop cancer, we can fund research to make treatments more effective with fewer side effects. We can take back what we can and provide a better life for all who have heard the words You have cancer.