We are so excited to announce that this year we will be hosting our third silent auction at our Turning Our World Purple Dancing For a Cure event! This was very successful for us last time and we are looking forward to having the auction again this year.
Items for the auction will be posted on the American Cancer Society Dance for a Cure website https://secure.acsevents.org/site/STR?pg=entry&fr_id=108355 and at www.Dancingforacure.us as we receive them with the donor’s name. They will also be included in the program for the evening’s event.
If you are interested in donating an item to the auction please print the form below, fill it out, and send a scanned copy to contact Karen Humphrey at KarenRFL@dlkeh.net. Auction items must be received by February 16 to be included in the program and to be seen on the two websites.
Current auction donors include:
- Vika Soto
- Susan Inscore
- Cooking With A Twist
- Painting With A Twist